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FAQ Online Tools

Faq - online spare parts catalog (O-SPC) Perfect welding

Login & Registration

Please send details of the error message you have received and the e-mail address you would like to use for your user account to our customer services. Please get in touch with us via our contact form.
Please send details of the e-mail address associated with your account to our customer services. Please get in touch with us via our contact form.
Please try using the "Forgot your password?" function underneath the login field of Fronius O-SPC first. If this does not resolve the issue, please contact our customer services with details of the e-mail address associated with your user account. Please get in touch with us via our contact form. If you no longer have access to this e-mail address, please include a scan of your valid ID. This is a security measure to ensure your confidential data is not accessed by unauthorised persons. 
At Fronius we are constantly striving to improve our products and to adapt them to your needs as much as possible. Only if we know our customers can we offer them the most suitable range of products and services.
Please send details of the e-mail address associated with your account to our customer services. Please get in touch with us via our contact form.
Please send details of the e-mail address associated with your account to our customer services. Please get in touch with us via our contact form. Please note that by agreeing to the general terms and conditions of Fronius O-SPC, you confirmed that your details were correct. Providing incorrect information represents a breach of the general terms and conditions. For this reason, we ask that you always check your information carefully and ensure it is up-to-date.
The general terms and conditions for Fronius Solar.web can be found here.
Your user account and completed orders contain confidential data. For security reasons, and to prevent unauthorised persons gaining access to this data, we only communicate with our users using the e-mail address verified during the registration process. This ensures that we only communicate with the owner of the user account. If you no longer have access to this e-mail address, please send us a copy of your valid ID. This allows us to check that you have the right to access this data.
Please contact our customer services. You can get in touch with us using our contact form. As this involves confidential data, and because changing the e-mail address grants you full access to the associated PV system, we ask that you attach a scan of your valid ID in this case.


  • Option 1 "Filter function"

Enter the required search entry in the respective column in which you want to search. The article table is updated during the search entry so that the results of your search are immediately visible.

  • Option 2 "Quick search"

Enter the required search entry in the input field of the quick search and confirm with ENTER. The results of your search are displayed.

  • Option 3 "Search - standard"

Click the search button on the navigation bar and select the default tab. Enter the criteria and rules for your search. To further narrow the search, click "+" and add more criteria and rules.

  • Option 4 "Search - Usage list"

Click the search button on the navigation bar and select the usage list tab. Enter the criteria and rules for your search. To further narrow the search, click "+" and add more criteria and rules.


  • If the filter function is not visible, activate the filters by clicking on "Filter table" below the article table.
  • The search - usage list searches all available catalogs on The search may take some time.


  • Option 1 "Article- / Serial- / Chargenumber"

Enter either the Article- / Serial- / Chargenumber in the input field and confirm with ENTER or by clicking on "Search". The search results are displayed below the search entry. Click on the required catalog to open it.

  • Click on the "i" next to the input field for detailed information on where the device part number is located on the device.
  • If you perform the catalog search with the serial number of the device, you have the additional button "Order components" in the selected catalog. All components ordered with the item you are looking for are displayed here.


  • Option 2 "Article Name"

Enter the articel name (e.g. TransPocket 150/EF) in the input field and confirm with a click on "Search". The search results are displayed below the search entry. Click on the required catalog to open it.

  • By entering the star symbol * before/after the search term, you start a so-called "wildcard search". The star symbol * causes all possible combinations with the search term to be displayed.  
  •           Star symbol * before the search term:                                                                                                                                 E.g. *Pocket 150/EF; search result = TransPocket 150/EF
  •           Star symbol * after the search term:                                                                                                                                    E.g. TransPocket*; search result = TransPocket 150RC/EF, TransPocket 150 TIG/EF, …


Click on "Change catalog" and start a new search or select a catalog from the last search.
  •  In the History tab you will find your most recently opened catalogs.