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Power - the Fronius Employee Magazine

Here you can find every issue of our internal Fronius Magazine, which we make available to all our employees.  

You may well ask yourself why do we bother with a print magazine when we live in a highly digitalized age? The answer is that we feel there is a place for both formats. A digitized world still offers room for the printed word. And the printed word gives a sense of permanence. Truly sustainable change takes time; patience and consistency are the way to get there.  

If you allow us to welcome you to the Fronius family, our magazine will come through your letterbox twice a year. It’s where we share our stories, our spirit, and our passion – and it keeps you up to date with everything that’s going on at Fronius. 

So leaf through it at your leisure and gain an exclusive insight into the world of Fronius. Happy reading!

PS: We are pleased to present every second issue also in English since Power No. 05.

Fronius Magazin 12

Power 12: Connected

We are well connected. Worldwide. Among each other. In general. The 12th issue of Power is dedicated to this topic from various perspectives: from the Training Center, an internal place of networking, to our trade fair appearances - then and now.  

We also report on the seal of quality “MINT” of our company kindergarten, on small and large power robbers and on turnkey welding systems. Curious?  

Only German edition available

View our internal Fronius Magazine 12 now
Power Magazine

Power 11: In the spotlight

As an international company, we are often in the public spotlight. Our actions have an impact. We therefore want to create a uniform and coherent external image. Our Fronius values help us to do this. And it is precisely these that we have re-illustrated in 2023.  

We are also sending some of our employees into the spotlight - at the presentation of our new clothing-collection. And to create the perfect (light) arc in terms of content, in Power issue no. 11 we let it all shine in terms of welding processes

View our internal Fronius Magazine 11 Now
Fronius Magazin No. 10


"When you stop trying to be better, you stop being good."

This well-known quote has been with us for many years. We have to keep moving, questioning ourselves, reflecting on the past, revising concepts, adding to them and, above all, improving them. We think about future generations in everything we do.

This issue of Fronius Magazine Power is dedicated to this theme under the title "Further development".

Only German edition available

View our internal Fronius Magazin 10 Now


Where do you draw the line between courage and recklessness? Following an important decision, who is considered a hero, who’s a daredevil, or even plain crazy?

At Fronius, we’ve been down many roads that have led to head-scratching - both inside and outside the company. Fortunately, in most cases, we have been able to surprise our counterparts in a positive way, which is what the key topic “Courage to be independent” in this issue of Power is all about.

*Did you know? The 9th issue of our Fronius Magazine won gold at the prestigious Astrid Awards. The international marketing award honors the world's most successful designers.

English edition available

View our internal Fronius Magazine 09 Now


Individual diversity is something that our Fronius community thrives on, and it is precisely this diversity that we wish to express with our new HR campaign.

It focuses on the people who make up our company - in other words every single one of us. To clearly illustrate this, we gathered together a number of colleagues to step forth and into the limelight.

Only German edition available

View our internal Fronius Magazine 08 Now


Would you have recognized our Fronius Magazine? We have been working hard on our brand identity and taken our corporate design to the next level. In terms of the graphics and text, you’ll be entering entirely new territory with this issue.

English edition available

View our internal Fronius Magazine 07 Now


The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic left us facing unprecedented challenges, so it was important to us to give Power No. 6 the title “Cohesion”.

Only German edition available

View our internal Fronius Magazine 06 Now


Our editorial team dug deep into the Fronius archives to transport you back to 1945 - the year when it all began on June 20th.

English edition available

View our internal Fronius Magazine 05 Now


Positive resolutions are made, goals for the year defined, worrying thoughts shaken off. Many people move on from thinking about the past and the negative issues often associated with it, to thinking about the future and the solutions it will bring - something that we at Fronius pursue throughout the year, and have done since we were first established.

This is precisely the spirit that we wish to pick up on in the fourth issue of our employee magazine, which is why we have chosen the theme “Vision”.

Only German edition available

View out internal Fronius Magazine 04 Now


Under this heading, we take a look at the company’s international interconnectedness.

We are proud that we are not only active worldwide, but that we are also able to employ people from all corners of the globe and work together as equals across all cultural and linguistic boundaries.

Only German edition available

View our internal Fronius Magazine 03 Now


In this second issue of Power, we take a look ahead, examine various Fronius departments, and focus on the innovations that will shape the future.

At the same time, we take stock of a successful year in 2018, which we brought to a close with a lively end-of-year party.

Only German edition available

View our internal Fronius Magazine 02 Now


“Tradition is not preserving the ashes, but the embers.” This saying describes the path we have walked together over the past years.

It takes a great deal of effort to keep a company “glowing” after so many years of successful growth. We want to focus on this transformation process in the first issue of our employee magazine.

Only German edition available

View our internal Fronius Magazine 01 Now

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As a family company, Fronius thinks in generational terms and strives to be a stable employer that enjoys long-term success. We want to use the energy of our employees more effectively. With their knowledge, skills, attitude, and motivation, they provide the foundations for our growth.
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